Assisting families since 1980


Assisting families since 1980


For over forty years, we have been directing international adoptions and advocating for children's right to have a family. Thanks to our unwavering dedication, more than 5000 children have found a loving home since 1980, which has created more than 4500 new families.


You can find our offices in 6 italian regions, where we offer nonstop support to couples who would like to adopt. Our offices operate in the following regions: Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Lazio, Marche, Puglia. On this page, you will find the complete list and our contacts.


Adopting a child is an emotional journey that requires constant support and monitoring. We at Cifa work alongside the adoptive parents throughout the entire international adoption process; from the general information meeting to post-adoption support.

We organize free information meetings to discuss our multi-sectoral work, explain the adoption process and to clarify any doubt or concerns. The meetings are open to all couples with decree of eligibility or waiting to obtain it.
We offer free private talks to couples interested in examining their specific path, evaluating the concrete possibilities of routing to a Country. To obtain a meeting, the couple should provide their home study and the decree of eligibility.
The mandate assignment is the agreement that establishes the adoption Agency of choice. During this phase the country of routing is defined, and the couple is informed about foreign procedures, the age of the adopted child and average waiting times.
With the the mandate is completed, both the couple and the Agency start producing the required documents for the adoption application to the appropriate foreign authority.
Our training course on international adoption is a mandatory psychological and experiential course. It consists of a series of meetings designed to provide couples with all the tools needed to face the most challenging steps of the adoption process. While waiting, we offer couples the opportunity to join meetings about technical updating and emotional support.
Once a placement proposal has been received, the couple is summoned to the relevant office, and is presented with the child's documentation provided by the foreign authority. The couple's consent to the proposed matching is sent to both the CAI (Commission for Intercountry Adoption) and the country’s authorities.
Once the departure is approved and obtained by the adoptive country, we are available to provide logistical support for the trip and for the stay on site. Before departure, assistance is provided by the Italian national offices, while abroad it is provided by a local representative. Our national offices are always available via E-mail, telephone or Skype to help resolve any difficulties that may arise when producing these documents, and to help resolve any problems.
Post-adoption assistance is both technical and psychological. Our professionals meet the couples and children so that they can write the post-adoption reports required by the child's country of origin. In addition to this, we offer specialized support services to deal with any problems or critical issues that new families may experience.


We cooperate with several Countries around the world, ensuring transparent adoption processes. We are currently working with Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, the Philippines, India, Peru, Russian Federation, Ukraine and we will soon be operating in Cambodia and Bolivia. In past years we have helped many families with adoptions also in Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Ethiopia, and Sri Lanka.


International adoption is a very complex system that requires several human and economic resources. Adoption costs are divided between costs in Italy, referring to the Agency's work, and foreign costs, related to each Country. For the adopters, some tax breaks are also provided by the law.


All our pre and post-adoption support services are provided in different Italian regions and we can adapt to your specific needs.


All Cifa activities are carried out in a totally transparent way; our work is monitored by the Commission for Intercountry Adoption (CAI).




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